The dialog between space and its materials - Architecture and Urbanism by Theisen Sandra

Type of work

Visual Identity

Web Design

The aim of Theisen Sandra Architects was to showcase their impressive portfolio of projects. It was a pleasure to create a website that achieves this goal. The project section of the website features high quality images of completed projects with descriptions and key features that highlight the firm's innovative design solutions. By giving potential clients an insight into the office's work, the website becomes an invaluable tool for attracting new clients, as does the new visual identity.



To ensure that the website is user-friendly, I designed it with a clean and modern aesthetic that is easy to navigate. The layout of the website is intuitive and allows users to find the information they need quickly and easily. The website is also optimised for all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones, to ensure it reaches the widest possible audience.

Year Finished


Client Webpage


Year Finished


Client Webpage


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